• Modail: Greim-d
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    Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

    The Grip-D is two-piece type repair clamp, can be fitted to exiting pipes in situ, without any need to remove and relay the pipes. Tha seo ga fhàgail mar am fuasgladh freagarrach airson càradh maireannach de joints pìoba, sgàinidhean msaa.

    Freagarrach airson pìoban od φ1800-φ2032mmm

    The advantage of GRIP-D repair clamps is that is can befitted to existing pipes in situation, without any need to remove and replacing pipes, GRIP-R pipe repair clamp can repair the pipes that are ageing and corrosive and pipe wall has holes or cracks . When installing it, it only needs pipe clamp to wrap the leakage part and tighten the bolt. Then the installation is finished ideally and reliably.

    Toradh od Leud A 'suidheachadh beàrn eadar cinn phìob
    Od Min-Max  Dealbh 1 Dealbh 2 B C
    (Mm) (Mm) (bàr) (bàr) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) M
    180 178-182 16 30 204 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 60 M12 × 2
    200 7.874 198-202 16 30 224 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 60
    16 30 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 60
    250 16 25 282 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    267 16 25 299 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    273 16 25 305 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    304 10 20 336 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    10 20 355.9 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    355.6 8.5 16 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    377 8.5 16 409 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    7.5 16 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    6.5 12 489 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 80
    6 10 540 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 120
    5.5 10 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 160
    5 10 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 160
    4 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 160
    4 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 160
    809-817 4 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 160
    914.4 36.000 4 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 160
    1016 4 5 1048 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 200
    3.5 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 200
    3.5 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 200
    1316-1325 3 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240
    3 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240
    1524 2.5 5 1556 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240
    2.5 5 1657.6 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240
    1727.2 1722-1732 2.5 5 1759.2 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240
    1824-1834 2 5 1860.8 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240
    76.000 2 5 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240
    80.000 2 5 2064 142 250 75 10 ~ 25 40 240

    Taghadh stuthan greim-d

    Stuth / co-phàirtean V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
      Aisi 316ti
    Fàinne anchorring            
    Stiall cuir a-steach (roghainneil) AISI 301 AISI 301   AISI 301 AISI 301 AISI 301

    Stuth Gasket rubair

    Stuth ròn Raon teòthachd
    Gach càileachd uisgeachan, uisge sgudail, èadhar, solaidean agus toraidhean ceimigeach
    Nbr Uisge, gas, ola, connadh agus dealan-uisge eile
    -70 ℃ suas gu + 260 ℃
    FPM / FCILE Ozone, ocsaidean, searbhag, gas, ola, ola agus connadh (dìreach le stiall a-steach) 95 ℃ suas gu + 300 ℃
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